
Biden’s Age and Competency Questioned in Heated Interview and Public Incidents

In a recent interview, questions about President Biden’s age and mental capacity arose, resulting in a heated exchange between him and a reporter. Biden, 81 years old, was asked whether he could lead the country as an 85-year-old, to which he responded confidently. However, concerns about his age and competency persist as the American people have observed instances of what they view as weakness. These concerns stem from several public events where the President appeared to be aloof or physically frail.

The article highlights various instances that are portrayed as indicative of Biden’s incapability to lead the country effectively. It mentions his alleged sleeping at a Memorial Day service, checking his watch at a somber event, collapsing during public appearances, and falling asleep during a bike ride. It also criticizes his foreign policy, particularly towards Israel, and his handling of economic issues such as credit card debt and GDP growth. Additionally, the article argues that the President’s immigration policies have led to a surge in criminal activities perpetrated by individuals entering the country illegally.

Ultimately, the article concludes by asserting that over 80% of the country considers Biden too old to run for president, suggesting that his age and competency are legitimate concerns.

Written by Staff Reports

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