
Democrats Recycle Old Claims Against Trump, Ignore Key Issues

In the liberal playbook, there’s a common tactic: if you don’t have anything new to say, just keep repeating the same old claims over and over again. That’s exactly what the Democrats are doing when it comes to President Donald Trump and the tired, baseless accusations of racism.

It all started back in 2016 when Hillary Clinton infamously referred to Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables.” You’d think the Democrats would have learned their lesson after that, but alas, they’re still at it. This time, they’re trying to push the narrative that Trump used a racial slur on tape. The claim comes from a former producer on “The Apprentice” and Omarosa Manigault Newman, who made similar allegations in her book.

But the evidence for these claims is flimsy at best. The former producer conveniently waited until his non-disclosure agreement expired, and Omarosa never actually heard the tape herself. It’s all just a desperate attempt to smear Trump, and it’s not fooling anyone.

Even on social media platforms like TikTok, where the Biden campaign thought they would find support, the response was overwhelmingly focused on more pressing issues like inflation and the economy. The American people are tired of the Democrats’ smear tactics, especially when there are real issues at stake.

In the end, it’s clear that the Democrats have been using the same old playbook for years, and it’s not working. The American people are more concerned with real problems than baseless accusations. It’s time for the Democrats to move on and address the issues that truly matter to the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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