
SHOCKING: Chinese donors with Hunter Biden ties gave UPenn $7M

A recent report from Fox News revealed that the University of Pennsylvania has received millions of dollars from Chinese donors who have ties to Hunter Biden. According to the university’s foreign gift reporting records, these donors, who are linked to either the China Entrepreneur Club or China Molybdenum, donated a total of over $7 million to UPenn between 2018 and 2020. These large sums of money have raised concerns, particularly in light of recent allegations that Hunter Biden’s businesses were involved in “influence peddling” schemes with Chinese partners. The situation is further complicated by the fact that UPenn is home to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, the think tank of President Joe Biden.

During the same period, between 2018 and 2020, Chinese sources connected to the China Entrepreneur Club donated over $6 million to UPenn. The China Entrepreneur Club is a nonprofit organization made up of more than 20 Chinese entrepreneurs. According to Breitbart, in 2011, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner at Burisma Holdings, arranged a meeting between the China Entrepreneur Club and then-Vice President Biden. One of the members of the club, Ma Weihua, was the CEO of China Merchants Bank, which subsequently donated over $5.5 million to UPenn in 2018 and 2019. Another member of the China Entrepreneur Club also made a donation to UPenn after the establishment of the Penn Biden Center.

University records indicate that Deng Feng, the managing director of Northern Light Venture Capital, made a donation of $630,000 to UPenn in 2019. Chinese sources, in total, contributed $105 million to UPenn between 2018 and 2022, with approximately $75 million donated during Biden’s presidential campaign. It is important to note that donations to UPenn are not limited to sources associated with the China Entrepreneur Club. Between 2019 and 2020, UPenn received more than $1 million from individuals connected to China Molybdenum. According to Fox News, Bohai Harvest RTS (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company (BHR), where Hunter Biden served on the board, reportedly played a role in assisting China Molybdenum’s acquisition of an American cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for $3.8 billion in 2016.

In 2019, Cathay Fortune made a donation of $1 million to UPenn, and at that time, Cathay Fortune had a controlling interest in China Molybdenum. Additionally, in 2020, Gerry Wang, a board member of CMOC Group, donated $100,000 to UPenn. However, Stephen MacCarthy from UPenn stated that no funds were specifically directed to the Penn Biden Center, and the university claims to have reported all foreign contributions as required.

Obviously, these enormous donations from Chinese donors with ties to Hunter Biden raise serious questions about the Biden family’s connections to China. The lack of transparency regarding the full extent of these associations and their financial implications is particularly concerning. One thing is clear: Joe Biden’s administration must be held accountable for their ties to China, and these allegations warrant a closer look.

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