
2024 Alarm Bells: Dems Sweat as Biden’s Age Stirs Up Washington Whispers!

Renowned Democrat Joe Biden has been facing continuous criticism regarding his age and fitness to hold the highest office in the land. The polls have consistently shown that a majority of voters believe Biden is too old for the job, and this sentiment has not gone unnoticed by Democratic lawmakers. Even Speaker Pelosi’s defense of Biden’s age fell flat, as she claimed he was a “kid” compared to her – not exactly a ringing endorsement.

As we look ahead to the 2024 election, the “whisper campaign” among Democratic lawmakers about Biden’s age is growing louder. The Washington Post reports that many Democrats are anxious about Biden’s prospects and are even strategizing internally to address this concern. Jim Messina, who ran Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign, had to put together a “slide deck” to calm the jitters among Democrats. It’s clear that there is a significant level of worry within the party about Biden’s chances for reelection.

Moreover, it’s not just Biden that Democrats are second-guessing. Vice President Kamala Harris is also facing skepticism from powerful Democrats. This lack of unity within the party could be a major problem for them, particularly if Biden is forced to step aside and someone else is put in his place. The GOP nominee would likely seize this opportunity to exploit the Democratic infighting, especially among minority voters who feel neglected by the party.

While there are still many “ifs” and uncertainties, it’s clear that Republican strategists need to be prepared to strike when the time is right. The Democrats’ internal struggles over Biden’s age and potential replacement present a significant advantage for Republicans in the upcoming election. As the writing appears to be on the wall, conservatives must gear up and capitalize on this opportunity to sway undecided voters and secure crucial electoral victories.

Written by Staff Reports

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