
36% Of Voters Approve Of Joe Biden 41 Days Before Election

Biden's popularity is rapidly declining, which suggests the Democrats may suffer significant defeats on election day. 51 percent, or a 15 point disadvantage, disapprove of the president.

A president's approval rating is a crucial predictor of the electorate's midterm voting behavior. According to polling, the midterm elections will likely be a referendum on Biden's poor leadership of the country.

According to a Gallup survey released on Wednesday, only 21% of Americans are pleased with the direction that Biden's America is taking. 67 percent of respondents think Biden is to blame for the United States' current course. Even worse, only 35% of Democrats and independents who lean Democratic support Biden for the 2024 candidacy.

Americans are unhappy with Biden and his leadership at a time when the economy is the top concern for voters. Only 35% of respondents deny that Biden's economy is experiencing a recession. 20 percent of the 35 percent believe the economy is deteriorating. 15% claim that it is getting better.

Only 20% of respondents say they think Biden's economy is very good to pretty good overall, while 77% say it is very awful to fairly bad. While 2% of independents thought Biden's economy is very good, 51% of independents said it is very terrible.

Biden and the Democrats will struggle to overcome the troubling data points with six weeks until the midterm elections. The House is predicted to return to Republican control, while the Senate is up for grabs. However, with a large field of conservative candidates, even party establishmentist Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has grown more bullish about the GOP's chances of retaking the legislative body.

Races for the Senate in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada have become statistically close. Republican candidates continue to lead in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, and Georgia. The only swing state where Democrats look to have a significant advantage over Republicans is New Hampshire.

Voters were sampled for the Grinnell College National Poll between September 20 and 25. There was no mention of the error margin.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BREITBART.

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