
40k Truckers Unite to Defend Border, Transforming Biden’s Crisis into Action!

The “Take Our Border Back” convoy is off to a rip-roaring start! Truckers and other drivers from all over the country have gathered in Virginia, ready to take a stand and reclaim our southern border. And let me tell you, folks, these patriots mean business!

Led by event organizer Craig Hudgins, these freedom-loving Americans are embarking on a peaceful demonstration to show their support for the enforcement of our immigration laws. And guess who they’re looking to for guidance? None other than our lord and savior, Jesus Christ! That’s right, folks, these demonstrators are followers of Jesus, a man of peace who definitely wouldn’t stand for illegal immigration.

With an estimated 40,000 truckers descending upon the southern border, it’s clear that the American people have had enough of the Biden administration’s negligence. And that’s not all, folks! Fox News is reporting that a whopping 700,000 vehicles could be participating in these demonstrations. That’s more vehicles than the population of some small countries!

These brave activists have a few simple goals, and they’re not asking for much. They want to educate the public on the border crisis, send a strong message to our governments at all levels, and demand action on deportations and border closures. Is that too much to ask? I don’t think so!

And it’s not just truckers who are joining this noble cause. Active and retired law enforcement and military, veterans, business owners, and even mama bears are all standing up for what’s right. It warms the heart to see such a diverse group of Americans united for a common purpose.

U.S. Rep. Keith Self from Texas summed it up perfectly when he said, “The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the Biden administration do its job, enforce the laws on the books, and secure our border.” Amen to that, Rep. Self! It’s high time our president steps up and takes responsibility for the mess he’s created.

The “Take Our Border Back” convoy is only just beginning, folks, but it’s bound to reach its peak this weekend. I, for one, am excited to see these brave patriots make their voices heard. It’s time to put an end to this border crisis once and for all. God bless these demonstrators, and God bless America!

Written by Staff Reports

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