
78% Of Voters Say Joe Biden’s America Is Wrong

According to a poll conducted on Wednesday morning by Consult/Politico, more than three quarters of Americans believe that President Joe Biden's America is headed in the wrong direction.

The survey posed the following question to participants: ''Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?”

Seventy-eight percent of respondents believe that Vice President Joe Biden is steering the country in the wrong direction. Only 22% of respondents thought it was heading in the right direction.

The poll was conducted between July 15-17, 2005, and the margin of error was set at 2 percentage points.

According to the results of the survey, Vice President Biden has an approval rating that is 28 points lower than President Trump's. The survey indicated that only 14 percent of respondents strongly approve of Biden, while 42 percent strongly disapprove of him. The overall approval rating for Biden is only 42 percent. 38 percent of people are happy with his performance.

The results of this poll come at a time when the president's mental capacity appears to have an effect on his overall approval rating. Because of his advanced age, sixty-two percent of respondents believe Joe Biden is unqualified to hold the office of president. The vast majority of voters are skeptical of his capacity for leadership and feel he should not be elected president. There is concern among fifty-nine percent over his mental and physical condition.

As long as Biden is in charge, the United States will continue to see the highest level of inflation in forty years. The southern border has not been secured, fentanyl has become the drug that kills the most people aged 18 to 45, gas prices have reached all-time highs, weekly salaries have decreased, and problems with the supply chain have not been resolved.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BREITBART.

Written by Staff Reports

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