
Abbott Fires Back at Biden’s Plan to Overcrowd Texas with Illegals!

In yet another example of the Biden administration’s failure to address the border crisis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has unleashed on President Biden over a plan to keep illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in his state. The White House is reportedly considering having these families remain in Texas while they wait for their asylum screenings, with the idea of using GPS monitoring devices in ankle bracelets to track their whereabouts. This move could make it easier to deport those who fail their screenings, as they would already be close to the southern border.

However, Governor Abbott is not having it. He has been shipping busloads of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to blue cities that have designated themselves as sanctuaries, and now he is threatening to up the ante and send even more buses to Washington, D.C., if the administration moves forward with its plan. Abbott points out that this idea was tried in the past and shot down by a judge, and he is determined to send Biden the same swift justice.

The border crisis is a pressing issue that has had a significant impact on Texas and other states. It is clear that the Biden administration’s approach is not working, and the consequences could be disastrous. New York City Mayor Eric Adams, whose city has taken on a large number of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers sent from Texas, has warned of the potential destruction caused by allowing this crisis to continue. It is time for our lawmakers and leaders to stop using immigration as a political football and start providing viable solutions.

This news story highlights the ongoing failure of the Biden administration to address the border crisis. While some may argue that the idea of keeping migrants in Texas while they await screenings is a reasonable solution, Governor Abbott is right to push back. Texas has already taken on a significant burden in dealing with the influx of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, and it is unfair to expect the state to bear even more of the responsibility. The Biden administration needs to step up and find a comprehensive solution that addresses the root causes of the crisis and protects the interests of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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