
ABC Inflation Article Slips Up: See What They’re Hiding!

Inflation continues to wreak havoc on hardworking American families, but according to the Biden White House, it’s just a temporary problem. We all knew that was a lie, didn’t we? Then they tried to spin it, saying that inflation could be good for the working class and bad for the rich. Sure, let the rich folks deal with rising prices while the rest of us struggle. And now, ABC News is saying that even though inflation is supposedly down, prices are still going up. Black is white and up is down in their newsroom, apparently. It’s not just random items that are seeing price spikes either, even everyday essentials like bread are becoming more expensive. Can someone please explain why men’s and women’s underwear prices are going through the roof? I can’t even wrap my head around that one.

Last week, there was a supposedly better-than-expected inflation report that gave us some hope that the worst was over. But don’t get too excited, because staple items are still getting more expensive by the day. Consumer prices rose 3% compared to last year, which is slower than the peak of over 9% we saw last summer. Experts are blaming the lingering effects of the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war for keeping prices elevated, especially for key goods like bread and frozen vegetables. Seriously, can we stop bringing up the Ukraine war every time something bad happens? And let’s not forget that the supply chain crisis happened under Biden’s watch, which is surely contributing to the mess we’re in.

Let’s talk about some of these price jumps, shall we? The price of bread went up a whopping 11.5% in June compared to last year. That’s nearly four times higher than the overall inflation rate. And don’t even get me started on cookies, which saw an 8.8% increase, or beer, which went up 5.4%. Are we supposed to laugh or cry at these numbers? It’s not just food that’s getting more expensive either. Frozen vegetables are up over 17% and canned fruits are up over 8%. Did someone forget to tell the grocery stores that inflation is supposedly down? And don’t even get me started on the price of underwear. Women’s underwear and swimwear are up over 7% and men’s underwear is up over 4%. I don’t know about you, but it’s getting expensive to wear underwear these days.

Economists are saying that one reason why voters aren’t giving Biden credit for the economy is because inflation is still way too high. Even though it’s slowing down a bit, people are still having to spend more of their hard-earned money just to keep up with rising prices. The target inflation rate of 2% isn’t expected to be reached until 2025, and there could be more interest rate hikes in our future. But according to ABC News, inflation has apparently plummeted. Really? Just 11 days ago, they were saying that inflation is still uncomfortably high. Make up your mind, folks.

At this point, Americans don’t need ABC News to tell them they’re being lied to. They can feel it in their wallets every time they pay a bill or go grocery shopping. It’s insulting that these so-called experts can’t even explain why prices are soaring. I have a two-word answer for them: Joe Biden. Oh, and let’s not forget about the trillions of dollars in spending that he’s pushing for. Maybe printing all that cash isn’t such a great idea after all. It’s painfully clear that Biden and the Democrats have zero respect for voters and their intelligence. We can see through the lies, and it’s about time they start taking responsibility for the mess they’ve created. Good Lord, people.

Written by Staff Reports

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