
AG’s Trump Lawsuit Wobbles as Bank Busts Myth of Deception

The New York Attorney General Letitia James just had a major wrench thrown into her already flimsy lawsuit against the former President Donald Trump. News flash: it looks like the German bank lender that she’s scrambling to paint as a victim isn’t playing ball.

It turns out that the bank review of Trump’s assets may not be the smoking gun that the AG thought it was. David Williams, an executive at Deutsche Bank who worked on at least one of Trump’s loans, testified that it’s totally normal for a bank to slash a client’s asset values and still approve a loan. In fact, the bank even chopped Trump’s net worth in half and still said, “You’re good to go, buddy!”

Deutsche Bank, which loaned Trump loads of cash for properties in hotspots like Miami, Chicago, and Washington, chopped Trump’s net worth from a cool $4.2 billion to $2.3 billion in 2011 and 2012, but then happily approved the loans anyway, because they knew they’d make bank off of Trump’s successful property projects. Trump, who denies any shadiness and says the case is all politics, is bringing in high-rolling bank employees to give his side of the story.

This testimony basically mop the floor with the AG’s claim that Trump fooled the German bank. Williams made it clear that adjusting a client’s asset value is just part of the bank’s process and doesn’t automatically kill a loan. Sounds like the AG might be prosecuting a former President over a little disagreement, doesn’t it?

Speaking of disagreements, Trump and his sons were like, “No harm, no foul,” and said that the banks made a killing off of the loans. Trump also mentioned that the initial assessments took into account his name and the potential for future development. But of course, AG James, who’s about as anti-Trump as they come, is claiming that Trump and his crew fibbed to banks and insurers. She even had a judge nail Trump for fraud before all the facts were on the table.

Oh, and don’t forget about the Georgia “racketeering” case trying to nail Trump, which got the indictment out before the grand jury even decided. It’s like these trials are just big political circuses being run by biased players. They’re not about justice; they’re about taking down Trump at any and all costs.

Grab more of the juicy details over at Kyle Becker’s “Relentless Podcast.”

Written by Staff Reports

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