
Alarming Poll Reveals Liberals Shutdown on Free Speech!

The support that liberals have for restrictions on freedom of speech is deeply troubling. It’s no surprise that the younger generation, particularly those under 30, don’t seem to have any qualms about the government censoring free speech. This trend is concerning, as it shows a dangerous inclination towards authoritarianism.

RealClearPolitics’ survey confirms what we’ve already known about liberals for years. The amount of support they give to illiberal and unconstitutional safeguards on freedom of speech and expression is downright creepy. If we’re not vigilant and fight back, there’s a real risk of adopting Chinese-like censorship policies.

It’s quite ironic that the Democratic Party, whose founder Thomas Jefferson believed in a government with newspapers, now has a significant portion of its members feeling that we have too much freedom as Americans. This misguided belief has been fueled by the Left’s obsession with Russophobia and the false narrative that Russia rigged the election for Trump. Despite this being thoroughly debunked, liberals still cling to this conspiracy theory.

The survey also shows that the generational divide plays a role in these differences. Millennials and Gen-Z, growing up in the digital age, seem to care more about national security than the right to free expression. This is deeply concerning, as it suggests that they are more willing to surrender their freedoms for the sake of security.

Another notable gap is the difference between men and women. Men are more likely to support free speech even if it’s offensive, while women are slightly less inclined to do so.

However, the most significant gap is between conservatives and liberals. Republicans overwhelmingly believe that speech should be legal under any circumstances, while Democrats are split on the issue. A shocking one-third of Democratic voters actually believe that Americans have too much freedom. This stark contrast highlights the dangers of the Democratic Party’s authoritarian tendencies.

Furthermore, Democrats are more likely to support government censorship of social media content under the guise of protecting national security. Republicans and independents, on the other hand, are more resistant to such measures. This reflects the stark difference between the parties when it comes to their views on free speech.

It’s disheartening to see that only 31% of Democratic voters “strongly agreed” with the statement “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This sentiment should be a fundamental belief for all Americans, but it seems that the Democratic Party is straying from this principle.

Democrats also express a desire to limit the free speech rights of political extremists, while Republicans are more divided on the issue. This further demonstrates the authoritarian tendencies of the Democratic Party.

In conclusion, this survey serves as a reminder that liberalism is soft and intolerant. The Democratic Party has become a party that views anything they don’t like as hate speech. This unserious and dangerous mindset could lead to the erosion of our freedoms. We must remain vigilant and staunchly defend our right to free speech, or else we risk sliding into the same authoritarianism seen in China and other parts of the world.

Written by Staff Reports

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