
AMA Cries Racism Over BMI: The Left’s Latest Outrage Obsession Exposed

The American Medical Association has done it again, folks! As if we needed another example of the left’s obsession with seeing racism in everything, they have now deemed the Body Mass Index (BMI) to be racist. Apparently, because it was designed by a white man, it is inherently evil, which is just absurd.

Yes, the BMI has its flaws, but they have nothing to do with race. It was invented over 200 years ago by a Belgian mathematician to measure the degree of obesity in the general population. It was never meant to be a perfect system, but rather a quick and easy way to allocate resources by the government.

The problem with the BMI is that it heavily favors those with extremely narrow physiques and little muscle mass. As someone who has been in great shape and still been told by the BMI that they were bordering on overweight, I can attest to its flaws.

However, instead of simply acknowledging the need for an update to the system, the left has decided to cry racism. The American Medical Association claims that using the BMI is “racist exclusion” and fails to consider the differences in body composition that vary based on race and sex.

But why must everything be about racism? The flaws with the BMI have nothing to do with race, and everything to do with its outdated design. By throwing the word “racist” around for virtually everything these days, the left is cheapening the concept and making it lose its meaning.

In conclusion, the BMI may not be a perfect system, but it’s not racist. The left needs to stop seeing racism in everything and start focusing on real issues. It’s time to update the BMI, not demonize it for something it’s not.

Source: Red State

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