
Americans Bet on AI Over Doctors: We Trust Silicon More Than Stethoscopes!

In a surprising turn of events, it seems that Americans are more open to the idea of receiving medical care from artificial intelligence than their British and Australian counterparts. UserTesting, a company that evaluates website user interaction and assists in site design, conducted a survey of 2,000 American consumers and found that only 6% expressed any skepticism about AI-related healthcare. In comparison, 44% of British consumers and 27% of Australians admitted to having concerns.

While it may be understandable for individuals to search online for symptoms before deciding whether to see a doctor, it is rather perplexing why anyone would turn to social media for healthcare advice. However, the survey revealed that a staggering 46% of Americans rely on social media for health information. This raises questions about the reliability and credibility of the information they are obtaining.

UserTesting discovered that over half of Americans (52%) have consulted large language models like ChatGPT for diagnoses and that 81% of them received accurate diagnoses from the AI. While this may seem impressive, it also raises potential issues. If someone receives an incorrect diagnosis from an AI, who can be held accountable? Can Starfleet Medical save the day? These are questions that need to be addressed as AI becomes more involved in healthcare.


Written by Staff Reports

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