
Anti-Trump Lawyers and Media Plot in Secret Weekly Zoom Meetings

Alright, kids, gather ’round for a story about a sneaky group of anti-Trump lawyers and media experts who have been meeting up every week to plot against our favorite former President. According to this article, these folks have been hopping on Zoom calls to discuss Trump’s legal cases. And get this: it’s all off-the-record and super duper secret! If they were any more secretive, they’d be spies or something.

The group is led by some big names, like former Obama official Norman Eisen, who also worked on Trump’s impeachment legal team. Then there’s CNN legal analyst Andrew Weissman, who was all about Russia collusion. Oh, and don’t forget about George Conway, who’s part of the Lincoln Project. These folks are all about getting on TV to bash Trump whenever they can. They even bring in special guests sometimes, like the House January 6 committee staffers. They sure do love to hate Trump!

But get this: the article mentions that some of these sneaky Zoomers are really nervous about their secret little club being exposed. They’re worried that people might think they’re cooking up plans to take down Trump or something. They even claim that their calls are just like law school seminars, with lots of debating and talking but with a bit of an anti-Trump twist. Yeah, right. We’re falling for that!

Now, some people are skeptical about whether Trump should even be in legal trouble in the first place. They argue about it on their secret calls, but we all know they’re just a bunch of Trump haters pretending to be reasonable. And, of course, Trump’s allies and conservative commentators are all over this news like flies on honey. They’re all like, “We knew it! There’s a secret group out to get Trump, and now we have proof!”

So there you have it, kids. It’s a real-life spy thriller, but these guys want to take down Trump instead of saving the world. Keep an eye out for them on TV, and don’t believe everything they say!

Written by Staff Reports

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