
AOC Lies Again: Ethics Complaint Filed for False Accusations

Libs of TikTok creator, Chaya Raichik, filed an ethics complaint on Thursday against Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for allegedly lying about her during a committee hearing. Raichik claims that Ocasio-Cortez accused her of falsely claiming that Boston Children’s Hospital is “now offering ‘gender affirming hysterectomies’ for young girls”. The complaint was delivered to Ocasio-Cortez’ office and Raichik encountered her in the halls of Congress shortly after.

Raichik had previously visited Ocasio-Cortez’ office but was told that the congresswoman wasn’t in. She left a sticky note outside her door reading, “Dear AOC, please don’t lie about American citizens. Love, Chaya.” The Heritage Foundation filed a similar complaint against Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday as well.

It is apparent that Ocasio-Cortez has no interest in clearing the air with Raichik, as when confronted she responded by calling Raichik “super transphobic” and saying she never wanted to share a space with her. Instead of setting the record straight, Ocasio-Cortez is choosing to play the victim and name-call. This is not a good look for a member of Congress.

As reported by the Daily Caller News Foundation, Boston Children’s Hospital has performed at least 65 transgender chest surgeries on minors, mostly female and some identifying as transgender males. Libs of TikTok was one of the first to report on the hospital’s sex change treatments, and as a result, a bomb threat was made. It is worth asking why Ocasio-Cortez is more interested in attacking Raichik than addressing the real issues surrounding transgender healthcare for young minors.

In conclusion, Ocasio-Cortez must take responsibility for her false claims and work towards finding solutions for the controversial issue of gender-affirming procedures for minors. Name-calling and playing the victim will not solve the issue but will further divide the American people who are already polarized on this topic.

Written by Staff Reports

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