
AOC Shut Down by GOP: Dems Prioritize Illegals, Ignore $32 Trillion Debt Crisis!

It is no secret that Democrats love to spend money, especially when it’s not theirs. Recently, New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tried to accuse Republicans of being against government spending. However, she was quickly shut down by Texas Republican Chip Roy. He rightfully pointed out that the government does too much and that it is interfering with the lives of Americans.

Roy also reminded everyone that the national debt has surpassed an alarming 32 trillion dollars. This means that each man, woman, and child in America owes almost $100,000, which is a burden that no American should have to bear. The border crisis is another issue that AOC and her ilk have chosen to sweep under the rug. The fact that cartels are exploiting our open border to smuggle in fentanyl is devastating, and we cannot allow that to continue.

However, the icing on the cake came when AOC returned home to New York. Her town hall meeting became chaotic as New Yorkers voiced their frustration with the Democrat party’s policies, which prioritize illegal immigrants over American citizens. Hecklers shouted at AOC, demanding that American citizens be a priority, and not giving aid to Ukraine. The man with the American flags who voiced his concern was quickly removed by security.

It’s clear that Democrats like AOC are out of touch with reality. They want bigger government, more taxes, and more bureaucrats telling Americans what to do. Roy rightfully called them out on their hypocrisy and their lack of concern for the American people. It’s refreshing to see some Republicans who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and stand up for what’s right.

Written by Staff Reports

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