
AOC Silent on Sotomayor’s Book Cash Grab – Double Standard Exposed!

The Democrats and their liberal allies just can’t seem to let go of their obsession with attacking conservative Supreme Court justices. Their latest target? Justice Clarence Thomas, a brilliant jurist who has been a thorn in their side for years. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-proclaimed leader of the socialist movement, has been leading the charge against Thomas, using baseless ethics accusations as an excuse to try and remove him from the bench. But her true motivation is clear – it’s all about power.

Now, it turns out that Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a darling of the liberal left, has been engaging in some questionable behavior of her own. According to a new report by the Associated Press, Sotomayor has been using her position on the court to promote her books and make a pretty penny in the process. Not only did institutions that invited her to speak feel pressured to buy her books, but her own Supreme Court staff was involved in the effort as well.

You would think that if Thomas had engaged in this kind of behavior, the Democrats would be up in arms, demanding his impeachment. But since it’s Sotomayor, one of their own, they’re remaining conspicuously silent. It just goes to show the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to holding their own accountable.

The report details numerous instances where taxpayer-funded court staff were used to organize speaking engagements for Sotomayor that were primarily meant to sell her books. And when organizers didn’t buy enough copies of her book for attendees, her staff made sure to raise a stink about it. They even suggested book signings and encouraged schools to purchase large quantities of her books.

But the involvement of her staff is just the tip of the iceberg. Sotomayor’s publisher has also been actively promoting her books and organizing her speaking engagements. It’s clear that there’s a concerted effort to boost her book sales and line her pockets, all while she holds one of the highest positions in our judicial system.

So where is AOC in all of this? The self-proclaimed champion of ethics and justice is nowhere to be found. It seems her outrage only extends to conservative justices who dare to stand up for our Constitution and the rule of law. But when it comes to her fellow liberals, she conveniently looks the other way.

I can’t help but wonder about the timing of this AP report. Why release this information now, after a series of Supreme Court decisions that have angered the liberal elite? Is it an attempt to throw Sotomayor under the bus in order to advance their own agenda? It wouldn’t be surprising, considering how desperate they are to gain control over the court.

It’s clear that there’s a double standard at play here. While conservative justices are vilified and attacked, liberal justices like Sotomayor are given a free pass. But the American people deserve better. We deserve a fair and unbiased judiciary, not one that is used as a platform for personal gain. It’s time for the Democrats to stop playing political games and start focusing on what really matters – justice for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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