
AOC Trips on Own Disinfo, Hilarity Ensues as Omar Echoes Mistake!

In a truly ironic twist, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Twitter to decry the “level of misinformation” on social media platforms. The funny thing is, AOC herself has been a major purveyor of misinformation. From her dramatic poses to her spreading of false narratives like the Jussie Smollett case, she has been quick to jump on the disinformation bandwagon. So why is she suddenly cautioning us to fact-check before reacting emotionally? Could it be because there are now pictures and videos exposing the horrors against the Israeli people? It seems like AOC is only concerned about misinformation when it doesn’t align with her agenda.

But what’s even funnier is that AOC’s Squad buddy, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), is a perfect example of the very disinformation she’s decrying. Omar was one of the many people spreading a viral picture claiming Israel was involved in a Palestinian “child genocide.” The problem? The picture was from 2013 and had nothing to do with Israel or the Palestinians. It was an alleged Assad attack in Syria. This just goes to show that the Squad members don’t let facts get in the way of their propaganda.

Perhaps AOC should take a good look in the mirror before counseling us on misinformation. She should tell her buddy Omar to stop spreading false narratives. But that would require self-reflection, something AOC seems incapable of. It’s no wonder that even their fellow squad member, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), can’t condemn the beheading of babies. It’s clear that the Squad’s priority is pushing their agenda, even at the cost of truth and morality.

Written by Staff Reports

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