
Appeals Court Blocks Biden’s Loan Forgiveness Frenzy

In a victory for common sense, a federal appeals court has put the brakes on yet another reckless Biden rule – this time targeting student loan forgiveness. The New Orleans-based 5th Circuit appeals court swooped in to save the day after a weak-kneed lower court judge in Texas refused to take action.

You see, folks, the Biden administration wants to let institutions off the hook when they deceive students about their job prospects and salaries after graduation. But thankfully, someone still believes in personal responsibility and accountability.

The for-profit schools association, Career Colleges and Schools of Texas, saw through Biden’s scheme and decided to fight back with a lawsuit. They argued that the student loan forgiveness rule was way too broad, even covering unintentional acts by colleges. And guess what? They were right!

According to the association, this rule would grant the Department of Education the power to act like a court and make life-altering decisions about whether to forgive loan debt. Last time we checked, that’s not the role of a government agency. But it seems like the Biden administration is all too happy to exceed its authority.

But the fight isn’t over yet, my friends. While the rule has been temporarily blocked, it could still be upheld by the courts if these legal warriors don’t prevail. In the meantime, students will have to start paying off their loans again like responsible adults, just like they were supposed to before the pandemic hit.

Now, you might be wondering, “What else is Biden up to when it comes to student loan debt?” Great question! Turns out, he’s been scrambling to find other ways to forgive loans after his previous attempt got struck down by the Supreme Court.

In a desperate move, the administration has made changes to income-driven repayment plans. They claim it’s a way to fix previous “administrative failures,” but it’s really just a sneaky attempt to expand the government’s control over our lives.

Under these new plans, borrowers will only have to pay a maximum of 5% of their income instead of 10%. And if they still can’t pay off their loans within 10 to 20 years, well, guess what? The remaining debt will magically disappear. Poof!

Can you believe it? The Biden administration is essentially turning student loans into grants. It’s like they want to reward people for their bad financial decisions and punish those of us who actually pay our debts on time. It’s a slap in the face to hardworking Americans everywhere.

But here’s the kicker, folks. There’s just one small problem – funding. The Department of Education is already strapped for cash, and there’s no guarantee they’ll have enough to cover the costs of this grand forgiveness plan. It’s classic Biden, promising the moon and delivering nothing but empty rhetoric.

So, my fellow conservatives, let’s celebrate this temporary victory in the fight against Biden’s reckless policies. But don’t let your guard down because he’s not giving up on student loan forgiveness. No, sir! He’s determined to push his agenda no matter the consequences. It’s up to us to stand strong and protect the values of personal responsibility and fiscal accountability that our great nation was built upon.

Written by Staff Reports

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