
Asylum Seeker’s Terror Ambush: Fargo’s Close Call Exposes Immigration Flaws

Fargo, North Dakota – A near-disastrous terrorist attack was narrowly avoided in Fargo, North Dakota last week, thanks to the brave and swift actions of our city’s officers. However, this victory came at a great cost. Mohamad Barakat, a 37-year-old from Syria who was granted asylum in the United States, carried out a brutal ambush on the officers as they were investigating a routine car crash.

Armed with a rifle and an astounding 2,000 rounds of ammunition, Barakat mercilessly shot at Officers Jake Wallin, Andrew Dotas, and Tyler Hawes from a distance of 15 to 20 feet. Before the officers had a chance to defend themselves, Wallin tragically lost his life, while Dotas and Hawes sustained severe injuries.

The fact that Barakat, a recent full citizen since 2019, was allowed into our country through the asylum process is deeply concerning. It raises serious doubts about the effectiveness of our immigration system and the vetting procedures that are in place. While Barakat did not have an extensive criminal record, aside from a mere speeding ticket, disturbing information has come to light regarding his past.

According to North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley, there was a Guardian report on Barakat, an undisclosed document that hinted at potential red flags. Although federal partners claim that Barakat was not on any terrorist watch list, the existence of this Guardian report raises serious questions about our national security apparatus. How is it possible that a person with even a hint of suspicious activity managed to slip through the cracks?

The discovery made in Barakat’s vehicle is nothing short of terrifying. In addition to the massive amount of ammunition and the rifle used in the attack, police found three long guns, four handguns, a multitude of ammunition magazines, explosives, gasoline canisters, and even a homemade hand grenade. This arsenal of destruction suggests that Barakat had significant plans for further acts of violence in our beloved Fargo.

This shocking incident serves as a stark reminder that our nation’s safety should always be a top priority. It is imperative that we have strong and effective immigration policies in place to prevent potential threats from entering our borders. We must also ensure robust and accurate intelligence sharing between federal and state law enforcement agencies to prevent any similar attacks in the future.

Our hearts go out to the families of the fallen officer, Jake Wallin, and to the injured officers, Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes. Their bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. It is time for us to reevaluate our immigration system and bolster our counterterrorism efforts to safeguard our communities from such heinous acts. The safety of the American people should always come first, and it is crucial that we address these vulnerabilities sooner rather than later.

Written by Staff Reports

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