
ATF Agent Fails on Live TV: Slips on Ghost Guns & Biden’s Hidden Agenda

Alrighty, folks, hold onto your cowboy hats ’cause we’ve got a doozy of a blunder happening at the ATF! So, get this – a big shot ATF agent named Chris Bort, who’s supposed to be a whiz with guns, ended up looking like a total amateur on live TV. Yup, you heard it right! During a segment on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” ol’ Bort tried to show off his skills by trying to disassemble a Glock pistol and match it with another handgun. But guess what? He couldn’t even do it! It was like watching a monkey trying to solve a Rubik’s cube.

Now, why does this matter, you ask? Well, it all ties back to those sneaky “ghost guns” made from 3D printers. See, these ghost guns are flying under the radar ’cause they don’t have any serial numbers, making them untraceable. And you know what’s scarier than a raccoon in your garbage can? The fact that Biden’s ATF might use this blunder as an excuse to tighten the screws on gun parts sales. Now, as a card-carrying member of the Second Amendment fan club, that’s downright alarming!

But wait, there’s more! Not only did Bort fumble like a quarterback with butterfingers, but he also passed the blame onto Congress, saying they should be the ones to decide on regulating gun parts. Talk about passing the buck! And let’s not forget about Biden cozying up to the gun control crowd by nominating David Chipman, who might as well be the Grinch who stole our gun rights, to head the ATF. Thankfully, that nomination got the boot faster than Cinderella at midnight, but the fact that Biden even thought about it is enough to make any gun-loving American’s trigger finger itch.

So, what’s the moral of the story, you ask? Well, keep your eyes peeled, my fellow patriots, ’cause the ATF might be twiddling their thumbs trying to figure out the difference between a Glock and a water gun while Biden’s busy playing puppet master with our gun rights. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and most importantly, stay locked and loaded, ’cause the Second Amendment ain’t gonna defend itself!

Written by Staff Reports

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