
AZ Judge Crushes Bragg’s Dreams, Refuses NYC Murderer Extradition!

An Arizona judge just delivered a massive blow to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg by ruling that a murder suspect, Raad Almansoori, will not be extradited back to New York City. Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell made a compelling case against the extradition, pointing out Bragg’s atrocious habit of coddling violent criminals. And guess what? The judge, Barbara Spencer, totally sided with Mitchell, dealing a significant blow to Bragg’s grand plans.

In court, Spencer laid down the law, informing Almansoori that there would be no easy way out of this mess. Meanwhile, Bragg and his team were quick to respond, blabbering on about seeking justice for the victim. Sure, Bragg, sure. We believe that as much as we believe pigs can fly.

But hold onto your hats, folks! This wild ride isn’t over yet. Manhattan prosecutors still have a trick up their sleeves. They can beg Gov. Katie Hobbs to swoop in and force the extradition. Talk about desperation, am I right?

And as if things couldn’t get any juicier, Mitchell isn’t shy about calling out Bragg’s soft approach to violent criminals. She’s not about to let a suspect, who reportedly fled to Arizona after murdering Denisse Oleas-Arancibia, slip through the cracks. Not on her watch! Plus, there’s the little detail about the suspect confessing to stabbing another woman and sexually assaulting yet another while in Arizona. Almansoori sure has a way of racking up those charming accolades, doesn’t he?

So there you have it, folks! The showdown between the tough-on-crime squad and the soft-hearted defenders of criminals continues. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Will Justice Prevail?” and see who comes out on top. Tick, tock, tick, tock!

Written by Staff Reports

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