
Bannon’s War Cry: Trump, Holy War & Deep State Takedown in 2025 Revealed

In an electrifying speech at the Turning Point Action Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, Steve Bannon, the host of the War Room podcast, called for a full-scale war against the deep state. With passion and urgency, Bannon urged fellow Republicans to rally behind Donald Trump and take back the country from the clutches of the establishment.

“We don’t have time for distractions,” Bannon exclaimed, his voice resolute. “Our focus should be on the election apparatuses in Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona – we need to get serious and support Donald Trump in reclaiming this great nation.”

But Bannon’s words didn’t stop there. He raised the stakes even higher, declaring, “This is no ordinary battle; this is a holy war against the Deep State.” The crowd erupted in applause, fully embracing Bannon’s call to arms.

In a notable revelation, Bannon hinted at the future declassification of significant documents by Trump in 2025. He promised that on January 20th, everything would be laid bare. “We’re going to release all the assassination files on John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Bobby Kennedy,” Bannon declared to the enthusiastic crowd.

This announcement raised eyebrows and piqued the interest of those hungry for the truth behind historical events. The prospect of uncovering the hidden secrets surrounding these iconic figures seemed to resonate deeply with the audience.

In the midst of Bannon’s fervent speech, he emphasized Trump’s role as the instrument of retribution—a leader who would demolish the deep state and bring justice to the American people. Bannon’s passion, charisma, and unwavering conviction rallied conservatives and raised the stakes in their fight against the established powers.

As conservatives, we must heed Bannon’s call and stand united against the deep state. It is time to support Donald Trump, fight for election integrity, and demand transparency in our government. With one voice, let us join Bannon in this holy war and work towards reclaiming our beloved nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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