
Bernie Sanders Exposes Kamala Harris’s True Leftist Agenda on Meet the Press

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently made an appearance on “Meet the Press,” where he unwittingly confirmed what many conservatives have long suspected about Vice President Kamala Harris. Her recent pivot toward more centrist positions on fracking and taxation isn’t about pragmatism or growth—it’s a strategic attempt to disguise her radical leftist agenda in a bid for electoral success.

Sanders didn’t mince words when discussing Harris, revealing that she is engaged in a form of political gymnastics that would impress even the most seasoned performers. He suggests that her shift in rhetoric isn’t an abandonment of her so-called progressive ideals; rather, it’s a tactical maneuver. The clarity of her true beliefs may be obscured. Still, her actions suggest she is very much aligned with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, despite her recent efforts to appear more moderate.

In his typical fashion, Sanders continued to expound on his favorite topics, such as high taxes and heavy regulation. He noted that while Harris aligns with him to some extent, he wishes she would go even further left. This odd brand of camaraderie comes off as both amusing and revealing, showcasing how radical the Democratic platform has become. It seems that in Sanders’ eyes, Harris is merely playing the electoral game and failing to embrace the more extreme progressive principles that he cherishes fully.

When pushed on whether he still views Harris as a progressive, Sanders upheld her status, claiming that while her views might not mirror his, she remains aligned with progressive goals like increasing the child tax credit and promoting affordable housing. However, these proposals, while perhaps well-intentioned, are indicative of the same big-government mindset that underpins the progressive agenda. They often come at the cost of fiscal responsibility and individual freedom, and the outcomes in places like California serve as a cautionary tale.

The truth is that Harris, with all her flip-flopping and posturing, aims to have it both ways. On the one hand, she seeks to reassure moderates and undecided voters. On the other, she has a long history of supporting policies that would expand government control over our lives. The stark contrast between her current public stance and her political record is nothing short of hypocrisy. If Harris and the progressives are allowed to continue their agenda unchecked, voters can expect to see the same disastrous policies that have plagued California implemented at the national level.

The ultimate irony here is that while Harris may try to present herself as a moderate, her true leftist beliefs are transparent to anyone paying attention. A Harris administration would likely bring the failures of California’s progressive policies to the nation, regardless of her efforts to mask them. The political acrobatics may be entertaining, but they shouldn’t fool anyone about the underlying convictions of the current vice president and her party.

Written by Staff Reports

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