In yet another episode of Bernie Sanders’ endless crusade for socialist utopia, the self-proclaimed champion of the working class has resurfaced in the swing state of Wisconsin. Sanders has long positioned himself as anti-establishment, but now he’s the loudest cheerleader for President Joe Biden, the very embodiment of establishment politics. One can only marvel at Sanders’ ability to pivot from rebel outsider to devoted insider without missing a beat or, apparently, losing any sleep over his contradictions.
Sanders took his talents to Kaukauna, Wisconsin, aiming to galvanize support for Biden ahead of the upcoming November election. Apparently, Bernie seems to think that Wisconsinites need yet another lecture on the virtues of big government and the evils of corporate America. The man who once promised a “political revolution” is now urging everyone to rally behind a president whose approval ratings are about as robust as a soggy piece of bread.
WATCH: Bernie Sanders holds rally in Wisconsin
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) June 27, 2024
In what was undoubtedly a spectacle of soaring rhetoric and fiery platitudes, Sanders urged the cheese heads of Wisconsin to unite against corporate greed and the billionaire class. It’s the same-old shtick: the billionaire class this, corporate greed that. Never mind that Sanders himself has become an affluent figure comfortably ensconced in the Democratic Party’s power structure, railing against the very system that funds his campaigns and rallies.
Once again, Sanders is trying to whip up a frenzy with his battle cries, hoping the residents of Wisconsin will forget that many of his grand schemes come with a hefty price tag that hardworking Americans would have to bear. As he spews his anti-corporate rhetoric, one might wonder how many jobs his policies would actually kill, how much debt future generations would have to shoulder, and how many freedoms would be stripped away in the name of government control.
It’s an interesting strategy for the Democrats: bring in a guy who lost to Biden to endorse Biden. They’re betting that Sanders’ impassioned followers will suddenly become enchanted with the lackluster administration they’ve been given. All the while, conservatives sit back, scratch their heads, and get ready to remind everyone that empty promises and socialist fantasies aren’t what America needs.