
Biden 2024 In Shambles – But Does Anyone Even Notice?

In a recent article by ABC News, it has been revealed that the poverty rate in the United States saw an increase last year, marking the first increase in 13 years. This news comes as a major blow to Joe Biden’s re-election hopes, as there are now more poor people in America. It seems that Bidenomics is failing to deliver on its promises.

According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure, the poverty rate in 2022 was 12.4%, a significant increase of 4.6% from the previous year. The expiration of pandemic assistance programs, such as refundable tax credits and stimulus payments, at the beginning of this year contributed to this rise. It is clear that without government support, many low-income families are struggling to make ends meet.

What is even more concerning is the increase in child poverty. The child poverty rate more than doubled from 5.2% in 2021 to 12.4% in 2022. This surge comes after the expiration of the child tax credit expansion, which ended on December 31st, 2021. It is truly disheartening to see that the most vulnerable members of our society are being hit the hardest.

One cannot help but wonder how Biden, who seems to be on a perpetual vacation, can address these pressing issues. It is no secret that he has been taking more time off than actually working. Even when a devastating wildfire struck Maui, Biden managed to squeeze in not one, but two vacations before finally deciding to visit the affected area. This kind of negligence and disregard for the hardships faced by Americans is unforgivable.

Biden may try to shift the blame onto Republicans, but the truth is that Democrats controlled Congress for his first 100 days in office. His approval ratings are in the low 40s to high 30s, and the majority of Americans believe that our country is headed in the wrong direction. It is evident that Bidenomics is nothing more than an empty messaging campaign that has failed to translate into any tangible economic benefits for the American people.

In conclusion, the increase in poverty rates under Joe Biden’s leadership is a clear indication that his policies are not working. It is time for a change, a leader who will prioritize the needs of the American people over their personal vacations.

Written by Staff Reports

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