
Biden Accused of Granting Mass Amnesty to Over 350,000 Illegal Immigrants

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are allegedly receiving "mass amnesty" from the Biden administration. According to reports, the federal administration has closed asylum petitions for more than 350,000 people who entered the country unlawfully since 2022. If the applicants had no past criminal history or were not deemed dangers to the United States, these charges were dismissed.

As a result of this strategy, asylum petitions made by refugees are neither granted nor denied. Their cases are instead "terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim," which allows them to lawfully stay in the United States without worrying about being deported. Conservative organizations contend that this essentially permits these people to avoid going to court.

The top legal adviser for Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent a document in 2022 ordering prosecutors to drop investigations involving immigrants who weren't considered risks to national security. Ten times as many cases were dismissed or removed from the docket in 2022 as there were in 2014. This group included 149,000 instances in 2023; in 2024, it is anticipated that there will be more cases than that.

Since President Biden took office, 77% of asylum seekers have been granted permission to stay in the nation, according to TRAC data. Some perceive the annual termination of over 100,000 cases as an attempt to improve the administration's image, given that the backlog of asylum cases currently stands at 3.5 million.

The decision has been attacked by Andrew Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies, who calls it "just a massive amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion." Conservatives have questioned the administration's commitment to upholding immigration laws in response to this.

Conservatives are concerned that the termination of these asylum applications translates to widespread amnesty for undocumented immigrants. This is used by the Biden administration's detractors as proof of their lax immigration enforcement policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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