
Biden Admin Caught Colluding with Teachers’ Union Bosses to Indoctrinate Kids?

Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio questioned American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten who initiated the "culture wars" in schools during a hearing on school closures during the COVID-19 epidemic hosted by the House Oversight Committee's Select Subcommittee on the epidemic. Weingarten made an attempt to sidestep the issue by bringing up the purported book bans and initiatives to stop teachers from presenting "honest history." She repeatedly sidestepped Jordan's previous inquiry regarding who cares more about pupils' educations—parents or instructors.

Additionally, the head of the teachers' union said that President Joe Biden's transition team had contacted the union on the procedure for reopening schools. The Biden administration is obviously working hand in hand with the leaders of the teachers union to further the socialist agenda of the Democrats.

In recent years, parents all around the nation have voiced their disapproval of books containing sexually explicit material, which prompted several states to take action to ban them from classrooms. In order to address concerns over explicit content, Florida's Republican governor Ron DeSantis took a hard position when he signed parental rights legislation into law in March 2022. The state recalled a number of books for containing sexual material, including "Gender Queer," "Let's Talk About It," and "It's Perfectly Normal."

When he questioned American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten about who began the culture wars in schools, Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan nailed the nail on the head. Weingarten made an attempt to dodge the subject, but Republicans are aware that the left is to blame for the cultural warfare in schools. Parents in Florida and elsewhere are resisting the leftist elite's attempts to indoctrinate our children because they want to educate our kids critical race theory and advance gender ideology.

Written by Staff Reports

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