
Biden Administration Blind to US Aid Theft in Gaza Empowering Hamas

It has been revealed that a large amount of US aid meant for Gaza is being stolen. This news should not come as a shock to anyone who understands the complexities of working in regions like the Middle East. Unfortunately, the Biden administration seems to have turned a blind eye to the harsh reality on the ground.

Despite sending millions of American taxpayer dollars to Gaza, none of the aid has actually reached the intended recipients. Instead, it has all been stolen along the way. The distribution process set up by the US military involves multiple steps, but it seems that opportunistic individuals are taking advantage of the situation to line their own pockets.

It is concerning to note that even as American soldiers work to deliver aid, they are putting themselves at risk in a volatile region where attacks are not uncommon. The safety of humanitarian workers should be of utmost priority, but the administration’s oversight in this matter is alarming.

Furthermore, it is disheartening to see that Hamas, a known terrorist organization, has control over a significant portion of the aid meant for the people of Gaza. By allowing this situation to persist, the Biden administration is indirectly supporting a group that thrives on violence and instability.

It is essential for the US government to reassess its approach to providing aid to Gaza. Simply funneling money into a broken system will not solve the underlying issues at hand. A more strategic and cautious approach is needed to ensure that aid reaches those who truly need it, without falling into the wrong hands.

Written by Staff Reports

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