
Biden Administration Loses Track of 32,000 Unaccompanied Migrant Children

The results of a recent internal investigation reveal that the Biden administration has lost track of tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children who were released into the United States. The report from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Inspector General paints a rather grim picture, illustrating a system that is frantically out of control when it comes to monitoring illegal alien minors. This report should have every American wondering just how much the government cares about the welfare of these kids, especially when they are left to fend for themselves in a foreign country.

According to the findings, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has completely lost track of over 32,000 children who entered the country illegally and were placed in the care of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This shocking revelation doesn’t just pop up overnight; it spans from 2019 to 2023 and is part of a broader trend of mismanagement that seems to have flourished under the current administration. With more than 448,000 illegal alien minors shifted into care, one has to question how anyone can “manage” without basic communication or tracking capabilities.

What is perhaps more alarming is that despite ICE’s responsibilities, the agency has effectively thrown up its hands when it comes to monitoring these vulnerable kids. The report reveals that a woeful lack of guidance and follow-through has allowed thousands to miss their court dates—or worse, not even receive dates in the first place. Even in one ICE field office, it was reported that only one of the eight facilities made any effort to locate the missing minors. It’s like a game of hide-and-seek, except the stakes are far too high to be played lightly.

It’s enough to make the average taxpayer wonder where their hard-earned dollars are going. Not only are these children at heightened risk of human trafficking and exploitation, but the administration apparently cannot even manage basic record-keeping to ensure their safety. Even with guidance provided to improve coordination and follow-up with HHS, ICE appears to have decided that such advice is conveniently optional. One could be forgiven for mistakenly believing that the only people benefiting from this chaos are the very cartels and traffickers that should be the target of law enforcement focus.

As the report circulates through the halls of Congress, Republican lawmakers are sounding the alarm on this debacle. They have pointed fingers directly at the Biden-Harris administration’s failures, suggesting that their policies are not just recklessly irresponsible but actively enabling human traffickers. With comments from House Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep. Eli Crane highlighting the “inexcusably alarming” nature of the findings, it’s clear that there is growing frustration with how the leadership continues to mismanage the border crisis.

The current administration’s approach has left many caring citizens demanding accountability. As Congress deliberates on the report’s findings, the call for decisive action grows louder. The American people are stuck watching a sad drama unfold, one where the well-being of thousands of children seems to take a backseat to political maneuvering. The administration must understand that losing track of children isn’t just a reporting failure—it’s an ethical failing that must be addressed before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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