
Biden Administration Suspends Controversial Immigration Parole Program Ahead of Elections

The Biden administration’s handling of immigration continues to unravel faster than a three-legged chair at a family reunion. With Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president, the Department of Homeland Security has hit the brakes on a parole program overseen by her and the illustrious Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Just three months before the November election, the DHS decided to suspend flights that brought Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans into the United States—essentially admitting that the open-border party is officially over, at least for a moment.

In what can only be described as a “pause for political survival,” DHS claimed it was “reviewing” applications for new beneficiaries. Apparently, someone in the administration had a revelation that this whole CHNV parole program might not be the cash cow they anticipated. The program, which at taxpayer expense has flown in hundreds of thousands of individuals who previously lacked legal entry, has raised eyebrows and legal challenges from a coalition of 21 attorneys general, spearheaded by Texas. They argue the program amounts to an illegal visa distribution system, and judging by the circumstances, it’s hard to disagree.

While the administration would have you believe that these new arrivals were thoroughly vetted, a parade of DHS Inspector General reports tells a different story. It’s almost comedic how they claimed rigorous checks were applied before releasing these individuals into the country, only for it to come out later that no such vetting occurred at a major international airport. It seems the Biden administration is more committed to flimsy narratives than ensuring national security.

Numbers don’t lie, but the administration sure seems to try. Instead of counting illegal border crossings accurately, they’ve maneuvered to exclude nearly half a million people flown in through the now-controversial program. Newly released figures show that over 1.6 million inadmissible aliens were waiting travel authorizations, most of whom were not legally eligible for entry. Additionally, these paroled individuals have been linked to violent crimes nationwide, creating serious safety concerns that even the most avid defenders of the program struggle to overlook.

Calls for the termination of the CHNV program have gained momentum, with Republican lawmakers arguing that it validates their constant warnings about its illegality. Furthermore, Texas officials have been vocal, illustrating the absurdity of the administration’s claims of securing the border while simultaneously flying illegals over it. Governor Greg Abbott has highlighted the hypocrisy of the Biden-Harris narrative, emphasizing that their policies blur the lines of legality and responsibility.

With the CHNV program now on the chopping block, the long-term viability of this administration’s immigration policies looks more uncertain than ever. The internal reviews and legal ramifications may not just be a bump in the road; they could be a permanent detour leading back to reality. As conservatives watch the spectacle unfold, one key takeaway remains—there’s no substitute for a secure border, and these slapdash programs only serve as reminders of what happens when political optics take precedence over effective governance.

Written by Staff Reports

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