
Biden Administration’s Condolences to Iran Show Obama-Era Weakness and Misguided Policy

After Barack Obama became President in 2008, he embarked on a global tour where he famously apologized for America’s past actions. This tour skipped Israel, showcasing a shift away from supporting our ally in the Middle East. The belief that America needed to face its past mistakes led to misguided decisions by the Obama administration, such as mishandling the situation in Syria. This, in turn, emboldened foreign leaders like Putin and contributed to a wave of immigration in Europe.

The Obama administration’s shift towards Iran and away from Israel, led by figures like Ben Rhodes, sowed seeds that can be seen in the current Biden administration. The recent condolences offered by the Biden administration for the death of the Iranian President, who was known for his brutal regime, are concerning. Iran has a history of supporting terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, which pose a threat to both Israel and the United States.

The decision to express sympathies for a leader responsible for human rights abuses and supporting terror groups is hypocritical and sends the wrong message. The United Nations’ moment of silence for the deceased Iranian President further highlights the lack of moral clarity in international relations. The U.S. should be focused on countering Iran’s malign influence rather than offering condolences to its leaders.

The Obama-Biden foreign policy establishment’s soft approach toward Iran is misguided and dangerous. By offering condolences to a brutal regime, the Biden administration is sending the wrong message and failing to stand up for human rights and democracy. The death of a leader like Raisi, who was responsible for violence and instability in the region, should not be mourned but rather seen as an opportunity to support the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom.

It is crucial for the United States to reassess its approach to Iran and prioritize the well-being of its allies in the region. Leaders like Raisi should be condemned for their actions and not honored. The world is better off without individuals who support violence and terror, and it is time for a tougher stance against regimes that pose a threat to global security.

Written by Staff Reports

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