
Biden Admits Inflation Reduction Act a Costly Ruse Yet Media Remains Silent

In a recent display of bewildering candor, President Joe Biden inadvertently acknowledged what many have suspected all along: the Inflation Reduction Act is nothing more than an elaborate ruse. It seems that while the President may be grappling with cognitive decline, his moments of clarity have led him to confess that his hallmark initiative was simply a costly faux pas foisted upon the American public. Yet, for some reason, this admission barely raised an eyebrow in media circles accustomed to his antics.

Biden’s muddled commentary about the $369 billion legislation was reminiscent of a stream of consciousness where the punchline was missing. Instead of delivering the promised relief from inflation, the President’s signature legislation served only to expand the federal government’s wallet, further exacerbating the very crisis it was meant to address. Many have long realized that pouring more taxpayer dollars into an already bloated government is akin to throwing gasoline on a fire and hoping it goes out.

When one takes a step back to analyze this bizarre turn of events, it becomes clear that Biden’s admission is hardly the shocking revelation it should be. The Democrat party has conditioned voters to accept a continuous onslaught of half-truths and outright fabrications. Thus, when Biden slips and acknowledges the obvious—that his administration’s fiscal policies are a colossal failure—this should have ignited a media firestorm. Instead, it’s just another day in the circus of American politics, where deceit is the norm and the truth is an afterthought.

In the same breath, Biden harped on the age-old trope regarding gun control, recirculating an outdated quip about deer donning Kevlar vests. This tired joke not only misses the mark but also reveals a profound misunderstanding of the Second Amendment’s purpose. While many hunting enthusiasts do not wield AR-15s, the broader implications of gun ownership extend far beyond hunting practices and into the realm of personal liberty and self-defense.

Moreover, Biden’s misleading statements about suing gun manufacturers expose a fundamental ignorance of legal principles. Unlike the fantasy realm the President seems to inhabit, the legal system does allow for lawsuits in valid cases, but it does not permit frivolous claims against manufacturers for the misuse of their products. Just as a car manufacturer cannot be held liable for every negligent act resulting from a vehicle, the same logic applies to firearms. The notion that manufacturers could be held accountable for criminal acts involving their products is not only absurd but also dangerous, as it opens a floodgate of unwarranted litigation.

In sum, Biden’s casual admission about the Inflation Reduction Act should have acted as a wake-up call to the American populace, revealing the lofty promises of his administration as nothing but mirages. Yet, as the narrative unfolds, it becomes painfully clear that regardless of how outrageous the claims or how many fibs are uttered, a significant portion of the country will continue to shrug off the truths inconvenient to their agenda. The President may have unwittingly told the truth, but for many, it’s just another instance of a failing administration trying to maintain its grip on power amid the unfolding chaos.

Written by Staff Reports

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