
Biden Aide Admits Admin Knew President’s Cognitive Struggles All Along

A senior aide to former President Joe Biden has recently acknowledged something that everyone with half a brain already knew: the Biden administration has been gaslighting the American public about the cognitive capabilities of its 82-year-old leader. It turns out that even insiders of the Biden family were well aware that their chief executive was not exactly living up to the demands of his office, yet they opted for a veil of cheerful denial. For those who somehow missed it, gaslighting is when someone tries to manipulate others into doubting their own perceptions. The question arises: why did this administration seem so eager to propagate this delusion?

Michael LaRosa, a former White House aide and press secretary for the First Lady, let slip that the team understood from the very start of the campaign that Biden’s age could be a significant liability. They were so concerned about the president’s mental agility that they were “scared to death” of permitting him any unscripted interactions with the press. While many Americans have seen the video clips of Biden’s amusing but alarming antics—like reaching out for nonexistent hands and wandering aimlessly on stage—the Democrats’ deliberate distortion of reality is the real tragedy in all of this. The common folks who still believed that their president was in peak shape were effectively duped as the elite Democrats laughed all the way to the ballot box.

Now, it would be charitable to say that LaRosa’s remarks offered any groundbreaking revelations. The Biden administration’s intentional downplaying of the president’s age while projecting the image of a vibrant leader was downright absurd. It served as a tragic comedy, but to those who are not fully indoctrinated by the left’s narrative, it has always been evident that there was a considerable disconnect between Biden’s portrayal and reality. His repeated gaffes, muddled speeches, and complete confusion over the simplest of details have provided ample material for those who remain sane amid the chaos.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that this acknowledgment from LaRosa is a sign of contrition or enlightenment on the part of the Biden crew. He distanced himself from the notion of a “cover-up,” claiming that all politicians tend to downplay their age. However, this was no ordinary political strategy; it was a systematic attempt to mask the sheer incompetence of a president who was essentially a puppet on strings pulled by radical leftists. It’s hard to view Biden’s presidency as anything but a charade when the power brokers surrounding him, including the ever-watchful “Dr.” Jill, have shown more interest in their own ambitions than in the well-being of the country. 


One can’t help but laugh at the farcical claims about Biden’s love for interaction and media appearances, suggesting that he was somehow kept in a cage by his own team. The reality is that they knew the stakes were high: an unfiltered Biden could easily turn a simple conference into a prime-time blooper reel, exposing the administration’s frailty for the world to see. To say they lacked confidence in their candidate would be an understatement; they were evidently mortified by what he might say or do without a script.

What this entire episode truly reveals is the underlying fragility of the Democratic Party’s leadership and their reliance on a facade that even they could no longer maintain. They eventually had to make the difficult choice to replace a stumbling president with Kamala Harris, who might be one of the most uninspiring figures in recent political history. The Democrats’ choice reflects their desperation rather than any genuine belief in the strength of their platform. The silver lining in all of this is that America now has a chance for renewal, as the nation seeks someone truly capable of steering the ship, rather than merely going along for the ride.

Written by Staff Reports

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