
Biden Amnesty Plan Sparks Surge in Migrant Crime, Data Shows

President Joe Biden’s latest gambit to grant amnesty to half a million illegal migrants—with another 600,000 possibly waiting in the wings—has once again thrown open the floodgates to criminal activity in the United States. The House Homeland Security Committee’s recent data dump proves that Biden’s policies are turning the country into a sanctuary for criminals, with over 617,000 criminal aliens already wandering free.

Under this administration’s so-called “open borders” agenda, America is racking up a veritable roster of offenders with a rap sheet that includes assault, rape, and murder. And yes, that’s more than 600,000 criminal illegal aliens currently on the Non-Detained Docket, enjoying their freedom and committing heinous acts while awaiting court hearings that could be years away.

The facts speak louder than any liberal talking points: Biden’s policies are directly fueling a surge in criminal activity. While the White House scrambles to put a positive spin on this mess, the reality is clear—these policies are an open invitation for criminals to cross into the U.S. and wreak havoc. Not only are illegal border crossings increasing, but now there’s a switch from mostly Latin Americans to migrants from Africa and the Middle East, including several alleged terrorists who were recently caught and deported.

The committee, led by Rep. Mark Green, has laid bare the administration’s utter failure to vet those flooding into the country properly. The data reveals the shocking truth that around 2 million “gotaways”—those who cross the border without being apprehended—have entered. This is a number larger than the entire population of Nebraska, and law enforcement has no clue about their identities, criminal pasts, or intentions. Among these ghostly figures lurk criminals and gang members, and who knows what other threats are.

Republicans are right to spotlight the escalating crisis of migrant crime, now glaringly obvious with tragic cases like the murders of Laken Riley, Kayla Hamilton, and Rachel Morin. Despite the administration’s negligence, federal programs continue to coddle these illegal immigrants, allowing them to roam freely while posing a clear and present danger to American citizens.

The report’s timing couldn’t be more critical. It underscores the Biden administration’s colossal oversight in freeing millions at the border and failing to keep track of a significant portion of these individuals. Until common sense policies are reinstated, it’s only a matter of time before another innocent life is tragically cut short by the very criminals these loose border policies have invited in.

Written by Staff Reports

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