
Biden and Harris: The Global Laughing Stock Putin and Xi Can’t Get Enough Of

The latest antics on the international stage provide fresh evidence that America’s adversaries are having a grand time at President Biden’s expense. It seems clear that the world stage is not just a platform for diplomacy but also a source of entertainment for those who would undermine American interests. From the shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan to the current chaos posed by Russia and China, the global powers appear to relish in Biden’s blundering approach to leadership.

The cackling doesn’t stop with Biden, as the specter of Kamala Harris looms large as his potential replacement. A recent report indicates that the same adversaries currently laughing at Biden would likely have a field day with Harris should she find herself in charge. It’s not an unreasonable conclusion; whether it’s her questionable grasp on policy or her penchant for awkward public appearances, Harris has proven to be a constant source of fuel for comedic relief among America’s enemies.

To illustrate the point further, when Biden attempted to assert American strength overseas, the results were less than stellar. Meetings with foreign leaders often resemble a stand-up routine gone wrong, with allies chuckling in disbelief at the president’s missteps. Instead of displaying resolve, Biden has fostered the impression that the U.S. is devoid of a coherent strategy. This impression is not lost on countries like Iran, North Korea, and Russia. They have likely pulled up their chairs and settled in for this performance, popcorn in hand.

Meanwhile, Harris’s role during international incidents has done little to reassure the nation. Whether fumbling through speeches or giggling at inopportune times, her demeanor has raised eyebrows. The fear that she might step into the Oval Office one day leaves many Americans questioning whether her laughable approach to leadership will only add fuel to the fire of our enemies’ contempt.

As players like Putin sharpen their knives and Xi Jinping wipes the sweat off his brow in anticipation, one can only hope that America gets its act together. After all, the last thing the country needs is a vice president whose foreign policy strategy revolves around giggles rather than gravitas. With Biden and Harris at the helm, it remains to be seen whether the United States can regain its footing or if the world will continue to use it as a punchline.

Written by Staff Reports

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