
Biden & AOC’s Cringeworthy Constitutional Gaffes Exposed!

Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have once again proven that they have no clue about the Constitution or the Supreme Court. It’s honestly embarrassing. Let’s break down their misguided statements, shall we?

First, let’s talk about Biden. He had the audacity to say that the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action shouldn’t be the “last word.” Um, excuse me? That’s literally the whole point of the Supreme Court. It is the final authority on legal matters. But Biden seems to think that if he doesn’t like a decision, he can just ignore it. Sorry, Joe, but that’s not how it works. Your attack on the Court’s legitimacy is just plain wrong.

And then there’s AOC, bless her heart. She made a completely irrelevant argument about legacy admissions at Harvard. Newsflash, AOC: that had nothing to do with the case at hand. The Court can only rule on the matters before them. But of course, she doesn’t seem to grasp that concept. Instead, she tries to play the race card and fails miserably. Legacy admissions have nothing to do with racial discrimination, and her attempt to connect the two shows a complete lack of understanding.

It’s clear that both Biden and AOC are using this Supreme Court decision as an opportunity to push their own agendas. They don’t care about the rule of law or the Constitution. They just want to push for their preferred outcomes, even if it means trampling on the rights of others. It’s truly disheartening to see our supposed leaders so out of touch with the principles that our country was founded on.

But hey, what can you expect from Democrats? They’ve never been strong on constitutional principles or limited government. They’d rather play identity politics and pander to their base. It’s a sad state of affairs.

In the end, Biden and AOC have once again shown us just how little they understand about the Constitution or SCOTUS. It’s truly alarming that these individuals are in positions of power. We deserve leaders who actually respect and understand the Constitution, not ones who will bend it to fit their own agenda. But sadly, that’s the state of our political landscape today.

Source: Red State

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