
Biden Appears to Freeze Up Again at Event Obama Steps In White House Dismisses Concerns

In Los Angeles, at a fancy fundraiser, some people noted a moment at the end of Joe Biden’s chat with Barack Obama. They said Biden seemed to freeze up and needed Obama’s help to move away. RedState’s Nick Arama thought it was a worrisome moment. This kind of incident has happened before, like at the Juneteenth celebration. It’s concerning that the crowd didn’t seem fazed by it. As a conservative, it’s troubling to see a leader in such a state.

But, surprise surprise, the White House and Obama himself denied that anything was amiss. They said what people saw wasn’t real. It’s concerning when our leaders try to brush off real moments of concern as if they never happened. We must hold our leaders accountable and not just believe what they say without question.

The response from Biden’s camp was rather dismissive of those who raised concerns. They even took a swipe at the media outlet that reported on the incident. It’s disappointing to see such defensiveness instead of a willingness to address the issue head-on. As conservatives, we value transparency and honesty from our leaders, even when it’s uncomfortable.

There have been other instances where Biden’s actions have raised eyebrows, like at the D-Day ceremonies. Some may argue that videos of these moments are edited to show Biden in a negative light. However, it’s essential to pay attention to what we see with our own eyes. As voters, we have the right to question and evaluate the fitness of those in power. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and not dismiss valid concerns about the well-being of our leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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