
Biden Approval Rating Crashes: Hits New Low, Reveals Monmouth Poll

Joe Biden is experiencing a significant decline in his approval ratings, hitting a new low, as revealed by a recent Monmouth University poll. This development is causing concern among Democrats who had anticipated Biden, now 81, to be a formidable candidate for the upcoming election. The poll indicates that a mere 34 percent of Americans approve of Biden's performance, while a substantial 61 percent disapprove.

Compounding the issue for Biden is the downward trajectory of his approval rating. In July, he enjoyed a 44 percent approval rating, which diminished to 38 percent in September and has now plummeted to a dismal 34 percent in December. It appears that increased exposure to Biden's leadership is correlating with diminished public approval.

Even within Democratic ranks, Biden is witnessing a decline in approval. Over just five months, his approval among Democrats dropped by 14 points. In July, 88 percent of Democrats approved of Biden, but by December, this figure had fallen to 74 percent. Evidently, some of his most loyal supporters are beginning to question his ability to lead effectively.

This poll is the latest in a series of setbacks for Biden. Recent polls indicate that a majority of Democrat primary voters prefer an alternative to Biden, and former President Donald Trump is reportedly leading him in crucial swing states. Pew Research has even reported that Biden's approval rating has dipped to a mere 33 percent, the lowest since he assumed office. It appears that the American people are growing increasingly dissatisfied with Biden's performance.

In response to these declining approval numbers, Biden reacted defensively to a reporter's inquiry about a potential loss to Trump in a 2024 rematch, stating, "You're reading the wrong polls." This suggests that Biden may be in denial about the reality of his diminishing popularity.

Reports of Biden privately expressing discontent about his low approval ratings underscore his apparent reluctance to take responsibility for his shortcomings. Instead of attributing the decline to his lackluster economic message, Biden should prioritize delivering tangible results for the American people.

It is hardly surprising that Biden's approval rating is sinking. His policies have failed to stimulate the economy or address the concerns of everyday Americans. It is time for Biden to acknowledge the challenges and recognize that his presidency is off to a troubled start. The American people deserve more effective leadership than what they are currently receiving from Joe Biden.











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