
Biden Bails on Climate Summit: Dems Stew as Priorities Questioned

President Joe Biden is causing quite a stir with his absence from the 28th annual U.N. climate summit, also known as COP28. The president’s decision to skip out on this event comes at a time when he’s grappling with poor poll numbers and facing growing dissatisfaction within his own party. With an approval-disapproval rating averaging at a net negative 15 percentage points, it’s no wonder that Democrats are feeling let down by their leader. The discontent is further fueled by rising consumer prices, with critics pointing fingers at Biden’s energy policies and his love affair with electric vehicles as the culprits behind the problem getting worse.

The president’s recent statement at the White House attempting to downplay the issue did little to appease his party members. Biden’s avid support for Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas has already put him in hot water with Democrats, particularly the younger generation. It seems that with every move he makes, he’s only digging himself a deeper hole. His absence from COP28 is just the cherry on top of the disappointment cake for his party.

The White House and Biden’s campaign are seemingly nonchalant about the backlash, hoping that Democrats will forgive the president given the current international conflicts, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and a laundry list of domestic priorities. They’re basically saying, “Hey, cut the guy some slack! He’s got a lot on his plate right now.”

Adding fuel to the fire, the president’s decision to skip out on the climate summit aligns perfectly with the fact that public opinion sees “climate change and the environment” as an important issue. The timing couldn’t be worse for Biden, as his absence only adds fuel to the frustration among Democrats.

Even with mounting criticism, the White House has been dodging questions about Biden’s attendance at COP28. Despite the president’s public schedule indicating that he’s set to speak about climate on Thursday in Colorado, the administration has been tight-lipped about the whole ordeal.

In President Biden’s defense, his team has assured that the United States will still have a solid presence at COP28, with special envoy John Kerry and other key figures representing the country. They’re really trying to downplay the fact that the big man himself won’t be there. It’s almost as if they’re trying to pull a fast one on the public and make it seem like Biden’s absence doesn’t really matter.

But despite their efforts to put a positive spin on things, it’s clear that President Biden’s decision to skip out on COP28 has left a bitter taste in the mouths of Democrats. It’s a real mess that the president finds himself in, and it remains to be seen how he’ll navigate out of it.

Written by Staff Reports

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