
Biden Betrays Troops Injured by Forced Vax – GOP Senators Demand Justice

In an alarming development, the Biden administration's disregard for our courageous service members continues to surface. After coercing military personnel into receiving the COVID-19 vaccine under the threat of expulsion from the armed forces, they are now refusing to grant disability status to soldiers who have suffered injuries from the very same vaccination. It's a distressing situation that is far from a joke.

A coalition of Republican Senators, featuring Marco Rubio, Mike Braun, Tom Cotton, Rick Scott, Ted Cruz, and Steve Daines, has reached a breaking point and is demanding answers. They have penned a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary, Denis McDonough, seeking clarity regarding the VA's approach to veterans who have sustained vaccine-related injuries during their service. If the government compels our service members to receive a vaccine, it only seems reasonable that they should take responsibility for potential repercussions.

Many service members faced a difficult choice, getting vaccinated despite their concerns, just to continue their service to our great nation. Tragically, numerous individuals are now grappling with long-lasting health consequences resulting from the vaccine. These courageous men and women put their lives on the line for our freedom, and this is how they are being treated? It's a profound disappointment.

The VA has a well-established history of assessing the health impacts and offering disability benefits for injuries caused by various vaccines. So why the abrupt shift in policy concerning the COVID-19 vaccine? The Senators rightly highlight that the agency has not provided clear guidelines on supporting members who sustain injuries due to the vaccine. Is the Biden administration hoping that by ignoring the problem, it will simply disappear? Unfortunately, it won't.

Our service members merit better treatment. They should be cared for when they endure injuries while serving their nation. The VA must step up to provide the required assistance, compensation, and healthcare for those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine. It's a modest request, particularly considering the sacrifices these men and women have already made.

The time has come for the Biden administration to cease political maneuvering and begin acting ethically. Our service members deserve transparency, fairness, and respect. They risk their lives daily to safeguard our freedoms, and the least we can do is support them when they need it most. The Republican Senators are performing a valuable service by demanding answers and holding the administration accountable. Let's hope their endeavors bring about the change our courageous service members rightly deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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