
Biden Blamed for Hamas Atrocities: Iran Link Exposed in $6B Fund Fiasco

Hamas, the notorious Palestinian terrorist group backed by Iran, launched a horrifying and coordinated attack on Israel, resulting in the brutal murder, kidnapping, rape, and torture of over 1,000 innocent Israeli citizens and soldiers. The gruesome acts committed by Hamas were even shamelessly shared in videos posted online for the world to witness.

Unsurprisingly, some Republicans are pointing fingers at President Joe Biden, holding him partially responsible for these atrocities. They argue that Biden’s appeasement of Iran and the release of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds, which were intended for humanitarian purposes, directly contributed to Hamas’ ability to carry out this heinous attack.

While there is no concrete evidence linking Iran to the Hamas attacks, various sources, including respected publications like the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, along with the Biden administration itself, have acknowledged Iran’s complicity. Iran provided Hamas with funding, training, planning, and weapons, all crucial elements for executing such a massive and coordinated assault.

Given the undeniable role Iran played in the Hamas attack, critics of President Biden are justified in questioning his decision to release the $6 billion frozen Iranian funds. The Biden administration strenuously denies any connection between the funds and the attack, emphasizing that the money remains in a Qatari bank and is only meant for humanitarian purposes. However, as critics rightly argue, money is fungible, and the release of these funds indirectly freed up other resources within Iran’s budget that could have been used to support Hamas’ terror activities.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a prominent GOP contender for the presidential nomination, pointed out this link on social media, stating, “Israel is now under attack by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists. Iran has helped fund this war against Israel, and Joe Biden’s policies that have gone easy on Iran have helped fill their coffers.” Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley echoed these sentiments, criticizing Secretary of State Antony Blinken for downplaying any influence the $6 billion might have had on the situation.

Senate Republicans have also joined the cause, urging the Biden administration to refreeze the $6 billion in Iranian funds in light of the Hamas attack. They argue that while these funds are earmarked for humanitarian use, the fungibility of money means they could indirectly support Iran and Hamas in their nefarious activities against Israel. Senators insist that allowing $6 billion to flow into Iran’s economy only enables the regime to allocate even more funds toward terrorism.

In light of the weekend’s horrifying events, it is crucial for the Biden administration to take immediate action. Refreezing the Iranian funds and working closely with allies, such as Qatar, to ensure they remain untouchable is the responsible course of action. By doing so, the United States can demonstrate a commitment to preventing the further spread of terrorism and send a strong message to Iran and Hamas that their actions will not be tolerated.

Written by Staff Reports

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