
Biden Blames Debate Performance on Trump Shouting Media Ignores Lack of Evidence

Joe Biden’s recent claims about being thrown off during the debate by Trump’s supposed shouting are raising eyebrows among conservatives. Biden admitted he “wasn’t in control” during the debate, despite holding the highest office in the land and facing a biased moderator. If he couldn’t handle a debate without feeling in control, how can he handle meetings with world leaders like Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin?

The lack of evidence to support Biden’s claim of Trump shouting is an issue. The debate format often showed Trump reacting to Biden without any indication of shouting. Even when Trump’s microphone was briefly on, his comments were insignificant and far from shouting.

Moderators like Jake Tapper and Dana Bash haven’t stepped up to fact-check Biden’s claim post-debate. If a Republican had made a similar false claim, it would be headline news, but with Biden, it’s brushed off as just “Joe being Joe.”

The double standard in media coverage is glaring, where false claims from Biden are shrugged off, while any slip-up from a Republican would be heavily scrutinized. The lack of accountability for Biden’s false statements is concerning, especially as he continues to make questionable comments in interviews.

The conservative viewpoint questions Biden’s credibility and the media’s bias in handling his claims, highlighting the need for fair and impartial coverage of all political figures, regardless of party affiliation.

Written by Staff Reports

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