
Biden Blitz on Inflation: A Swing, a Miss, a History of Fiscal Fumbles!

All three presidents during the 1970s – Rich Uncle Pennybags Nixon, Golly Gee Whiz Ford, and Jimmy “Do You Feel Like Making Love?” Carter – all had a go at dealing with inflation. And guess what? They all flubbed it. Big surprise!

Now Joe Biden either doesn’t have the brain cells to remember the colossal mess of that decade or he’s just so forgetful that he’s decided to give it another whirl. Instead of slapping price controls on everything, he’s taking to the Twitter soapbox to tell those corporate bigwigs to keep their paws off the price dial or face the consequences, ya dig?

Here’s a little gem straight from ol’ Joe’s handlers and social media maestros: “Let me be clear to any corporation that hasn’t brought their prices back down even as inflation has come down: It’s time to stop the price gouging. Give American consumers a break.”

Oh, yeah, that’ll fix everything. Just tell businesses to lower their prices like you’re ordering a side of fries. Brilliant strategy, Joey boy.

And lookie here, the White House has a history of flexing its muscles against inflation. Last year, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm went on a tirade against oil companies, demanding answers on why gas prices were sky high. As if she expected oil barons to cough up the truth like a cat with a hairball.

But lo and behold, gas prices eventually went down, not because of any strong-arming by the Biden bunch, but because of regular ol’ market fluctuations. Ain’t that a kick in the pants?

But old Joe, he’s still sticking to his guns, convinced that scaring businesses into submission is the magic pill for fixing the economy. News flash, Uncle Joe: it ain’t. And blaming corporate America for your own mess of an economic plan? That’s just plain baloney.

Some folks might not remember the fallout from price controls in the ’70s, but everyone can see how bonkers it is for a president to play tough guy with businesses. Whoever’s feeding this advice to Joe must be a real piece of work.

We need a break from Bidenomics, and this sure ain’t the way to get it. It’s like trying to put out a wildfire with a water pistol. Wake up, White House! It’s time for a new game plan!

Written by Staff Reports

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