
Biden Blows $20B on Green Gimmicks While Taxpayers Foot the Bill!

Alright, folks, hold onto your hats because here comes the latest electric-powered, eco-friendly, money-wasting nonsense brought to you by the Biden administration. In a grand display of virtue signaling, Vice President Kamala Harris strutted her stuff in North Carolina to announce a whopping $20 billion in grant awards for their so-called green agenda. You heard that right – $20 billion of your hard-earned tax dollars are being flushed down the eco-friendly toilet, folks!

The Environmental Protection Agency, headed by Michael Regan, handed out a cool $14 billion through the National Clean Investment Fund. That’s right, they’re just doling out billions like it’s Monopoly money! And who are the lucky winners of this environmental lottery, you ask? Well, how about the Climate United Fund, the Coalition for Green Capital, and Power Forward Communities, to name a few. These organizations are rolling in the dough, and guess who’s footing the bill? You got it – the American taxpayer!

And if that wasn’t enough, the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator program is also getting a slice of the pie, with organizations like the Opportunity Finance Network and Justice Climate Fund cashing in. It’s like a socialist jackpot, folks! And all of this is funded by the mind-boggling $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which is part of the ridiculous $891 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Talk about double-speak!

The White House is touting the benefits of this national financing network, claiming that tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects will benefit. But let’s be real here – how much of this money is actually going to benefit everyday Americans? And let’s not forget the cherry on top of this green energy sundae – Vice President Harris had the audacity to prance around a historically Black neighborhood in Charlotte, spinning some fairy tale about a family saving money on energy costs. Give us a break!

What’s truly infuriating is that this whole charade was used as a platform to stump for President Joe Biden. Not to mention, the Democrats are shamelessly trying to sway North Carolina voters, who have a long history of leaning toward Republican candidates. It’s like they’re using these grants to buy votes right under our noses!

So, buckle up, America, because the Biden administration is driving full speed ahead with their eco-friendly, taxpayer-draining agenda, and they’re not slowing down anytime soon. Get ready to open your wallets wide, because your hard-earned dollars are being flushed down the green energy drain faster than you can say “fiscal responsibility.”

Written by Staff Reports

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