
Biden Blunders Border Security: Former Chiefs Expose the Truth!

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott didn’t hold back as he pointed the finger squarely at President Joe Biden for the mess at the border. Scott made it crystal clear that the Trump administration handed over a super safe border to Biden. But what did Biden do with it? Oh, just messed it up with 94 executive actions! Talk about dropping the ball!

Biden claims he’s all about border security, but actions speak louder than words. He’s more interested in fast-tracking folks into the country than keeping the bad apples out. It’s like inviting everyone to the party without checking their invite at the door. Not cool, Joe, not cool.

And get this, folks – another former Border Patrol Chief, Raul Ortiz, spilled the beans that neither Biden nor Kamala Harris bothered to have a chit-chat with him during his time in charge. Isn’t that basic management 101? Nope, not for Biden. It’s like running a lemonade stand without ever squeezing a lemon – clueless!

But wait, there’s more! Martha MacCallum dropped a truth bomb during her interview with National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby. Turns out, Biden never even bothered to have a chat with the current Border Patrol Chief, Jason Owens, until the crisis hit his doorstep. You call that leadership? I call it a disaster waiting to happen.

Biden can try to spin this mess all he wants, but the truth is as clear as day. When the border was humming like a well-oiled machine, it was under Republican watch. Now, it’s a full-blown circus under Biden’s clueless command. Maybe if Biden spent less time sniffing people’s hair and more time focusing on the border, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

It’s time for Biden to put on his big boy pants, step up to the plate, and start taking border security seriously. The safety and security of our nation should be the number one priority, not an afterthought. But hey, what do you expect from a guy who can’t even bother to have a decent conversation with the folks trying to keep our borders safe? It’s about time Biden wakes up and smells the security breaches happening right under his nose!

Written by Staff Reports

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