
Biden Border Crisis Mirrors Reality Show Dysfunction, Costs Soar

Border chaos since the Biden-Harris administration took office resembles a reality TV show gone wrong—plenty of drama, but no clear resolution in sight. With over 10 million unlawful migrants recorded crossing the border, it’s no wonder Americans across the country are raising their eyebrows. That mind-boggling number doesn’t even include the 2 million “getaways”—those who managed to tiptoe past law enforcement and escape detection. Meanwhile, the country is left reeling from not just a human crisis but also an economic one that seems to be creating more burden than benefit.

A recent study from the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank should send shockwaves through taxpayer wallets. It turns out that the prime-age immigrants—many of whom are here illegally and without college degrees—aren’t precisely maxing out the working hours while reaping the benefits of the American system. The average illegal immigrant, who has been here for just two years, clocked in a mere 1,400 work hours last year. Given the mountains of headlines about job growth, it’s curious why those in the country without documentation seem to be taking an extended coffee break instead of pitching in.

As the nation drifts into the presidential campaign season, the economic implications of illegal immigration have come squarely into the spotlight. Donald Trump has pointed out that the unauthorized crowd has nabbed many new jobs created recently. What’s really concerning, however, is that at least half of these individuals appear to be living off the generosity of taxpayers. In stark contrast to Americans aged 25-64, where 5 in 6 contribute to the labor force, just over half of these prime-age immigrants are even bothering to work. It appears that while the foreign-born population swelled by nearly 4 million over a short period, actual employment among them barely scraped a 2.32 million rise.

This all culminates in California, the poster child for misguided immigration policy. This state is practically rolling out the welcome mat with freebies for illegal immigrants, handing out taxpayer-funded health insurance and subsidized tuition like candy. If that wasn’t enough, a proposal backed by high-profile politicians, including Nancy Pelosi, is aiming to offer $150,000 for down payments on homes. Sounds like a fantastic plan—if one’s idea of generosity includes shoving the bill onto hard-working taxpayers. In 2022, illegal immigrants in California only chipped in $8.5 billion in taxes but racked up costs of $22.8 billion. It’s a fiscal circus that leaves the average American staring at their taxes in disbelief.

On a national level, the financial stakes continue to rise. Taxpayers are carrying the heft of funding programs like Medi-Cal, which offers coverage primarily to undocumented immigrants. Questions linger as to how federal taxpayers are effectively subsidizing the very benefits being served up to those who broke the law to enter the country. The gaps illustrate not just an economic burden but also showcase an obvious disconnect between current immigration policy and the principles that historically guided the nation.

It’s abundantly clear that this country was built by legal immigrants who earned their place at the table rather than demanding handouts like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. Legal immigration boosts the economy, while illegal immigration swells a welfare state that appears to be buckling under the pressure. If America wants to maintain its identity and keep the doors open for those who follow the law, it’s time to rethink what is really being given away in the name of compassion. The cost is far too high, and surprisingly unmanageable—even by the most generous interpretations of the welfare state. If there ever was a moment for re-examination and accountability, it’s now.

Written by Staff Reports

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