
Biden Bribery Claims Still Alive, Declares MTG: White House Lies Exposed!

In a fiery speech on the House floor, Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia made an impassioned plea for the impeachment of President Joe Biden and the clearing of former President Donald Trump’s record. Known for her outspoken nature, Greene has been a vocal critic of Biden since he took office earlier this year. In her latest call for impeachment, Greene referenced information from an FBI informant to support her claims.

Greene wasted no time in lambasting Democrats and the media for their handling of allegations against Trump. She specifically mentioned the discredited Steele dossier, which Democrats used to push the narrative of Trump colluding with Russia. Greene also criticized the impeachment of Trump over a phone call with the president of Ukraine, calling it a “witch hunt.”

During her speech, Greene appeared to read from an FBI FD-1023 form that was recently released by Senator Chuck Grassley. This form supposedly contains information about Hunter Biden’s business dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. According to Greene, the information came from a reliable FBI informant who had been paid $200,000 by the agency over several years.

Greene argued that the FBI failed to investigate the claims outlined in the informant’s form and accused the White House of spreading lies and false claims about the allegations. She maintained that the claims of bribery involving Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, have not been debunked.

Bringing up evidence from Republican-led committees, Greene claimed to have WhatsApp messages in which Hunter Biden discusses his father’s presence during business dealings. This alleged proof further bolstered her case for impeachment.

However, Greene’s speech comes at a time when she herself is facing potential censure over her actions. Freshman Representative Becca Balint has brought forward a resolution condemning Greene for her use of Hunter Biden’s nude photos during a congressional hearing. The resolution also cites various forms of hatred perpetrated by Greene, including racism and anti-Semitism.

In conclusion, Greene demanded that House Republicans proceed with an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. She emphasized the need to expunge Trump’s impeachments and hold Biden accountable for alleged corruption. As a conservative news writer, it is clear that Greene ardently believes in her cause and is unafraid to voice her opinions, even in the face of possible backlash.

Written by Staff Reports

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