
Biden Bullies Press to Spin His Fumbling Economy Win

The so-called “most transparent administration ever” is showing some not-so-pretty colors. The Biden administration is apparently not handling the media’s reporting on their supposed economic success very well. In fact, they seem to be throwing a bit of a tantrum about it.

The Biden re-election campaign has decided to bring in some top political reporters and editors for off-the-record visits to their headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. But these visits aren’t just a friendly chat over coffee. Oh no, they come with a side of lecturing from the Biden campaign officials. It’s like being invited to a party and then getting scolded for not complimenting the host’s outfit enough.

During these meetings, campaign officials have been taking the opportunity to point out where they feel the reporters have fallen short in their coverage. They’ve even gone as far as to present a spreadsheet outlining the areas where they believe the reporting has missed the mark. It seems the campaign is particularly unhappy with the amount of attention given to former President Donald Trump’s legal troubles and recent statements on the campaign trail.

It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, you’re not giving us enough credit for the great job we’re doing over here! Why are you so obsessed with what Trump is up to anyway?” It’s a bit creepy and feels a little bit like a scene from a dystopian movie where the government controls the media. The Biden team is clearly trying to control the narrative to improve their chances at re-election.

But let’s be real here, if the Biden administration is this worried about bad press, maybe it’s a sign that they’re not as confident in their own abilities as they let on. The fact that they’re trying to micromanage the media’s coverage just shows a lack of confidence in their own performance. And can you blame them? With Joe Biden’s questionable public appearances and apparent struggles to keep up with a busy campaign schedule, it’s no wonder they’re sweating over the media coverage.

After all, no amount of closed-door meetings and stern talking-tos can smooth over Biden’s gaffes and public mishaps. The voters expect a president to be able to handle the rigors of a campaign season, and the Biden administration’s attempt to control the narrative won’t change that reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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