
Biden Bumbles Speech, Claims Cancer “Ended” – Can We Trust Him?

Tuesday was quite an eventful day for President Joe Biden, and not in a good way. First, he stumbled over his words while giving remarks for a national monument proclamation, nearly flubbing Emmett Till’s name. It’s embarrassing enough to mess up someone’s name, but even worse when it’s in honor of a civil rights icon. Come on, Joe, get it together!

But the real eye-roll moment came when Biden decided to address mental health at another event. Now, mental health is an important issue that deserves attention, but leave it to ol’ Joe to make some outlandish claims about ending cancer. Yes, you read that right. He actually said, and I quote, “‘We ended cancer as we know it.” Look, we all want to see a cure for cancer, but let’s be realistic here, Joe. Making bold claims without any evidence to back them up doesn’t help anyone.

What’s even more baffling is that the official White House transcript conveniently leaves out Biden’s wild claim. It’s like they’re trying to cover up his gaffe or something. But don’t worry, Twitter isn’t letting him off the hook. “Cancer” is currently trending, with people calling for fact-checkers to step in. And they should! We can’t let politicians get away with spewing false information just because they’re in power.

But let’s not forget the irony of Biden preaching about unity and coming together as a nation while our country is more divided than ever. The so-called “Unity Agenda” he discussed included addressing cancer, veterans care, the opioid epidemic, and mental health. While those are important issues, it’s laughable to think that Biden and his party are capable of bringing unity when they’re the ones fueling the divisiveness in our country.

This is not the first time Biden has left people scratching their heads with his comments on cancer. Last July, while announcing executive orders on climate change, he claimed that “so damn many other people have cancer” and blamed it on an oil slick on a window. I hate to break it to you, Joe, but cancer doesn’t work like that. And let’s not forget his other gaffe in the same address, where he mistakenly said “over 100 people dead” instead of the correct number, which was one million. At least the White House corrected that mistake, but it’s still concerning that our president can’t get basic facts right.

So, as we reflect on Biden’s eventful day, let’s remember that actions speak louder than words. Making grandiose claims about ending cancer won’t solve the problem. We need real solutions and a leader who can unite our country, not someone who continually stokes the flames of division. It’s time for Biden to step up and prove that he can actually deliver on his promises, instead of just making empty speeches.

Written by Staff Reports

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